Ahoy! I’ve been performing as a bassist for more than a decade. I’ve performed with groups of all sizes and even done several solo gigs. I could rattle off a list of many favorites and the ones that have meant the most to me. Instead, for your benefit, I’m going to tell you about one of the worst. Aside from being a bass player, I have a substantial background in guitar, even studying classical guitar as my major instrument as an undergrad. There was a time I could literally play any Dave Matthews song you named on guitar. An off shoot of playing so much guitar was that I started writing lots of songs. They were simple, but they were my creative outlet none-the-less. I did some really low budget recordings in Audacity and played for family and friends occasionally. Eventually the idea came up of putting on a solo show. I booked a venue, borrowed the pieces of gear I didn’t own, rehearsed like crazy and awaited the day to arrive for the gig. And then no one showed up. I ...