You may have noticed a sharp decline in my posts so far in
2018. In fact, I have yet to post. Thankfully the Wonderfish has kept things
rolling for me as I have been in the last semester of graduate school. The work
load was intense and I unfortunately could not keep up with school work and the
usual blog schedule. However, with my comprehensive exams and masters recital
now finished you can expect your usual Monday post from Yours Truly.
Here’s a sneak peak at what I’ll be discussing over the next
few months:
1) I
had the chance to work with artists Miguel Zenon and Maria Schneider and I’ll
detail those experiences to give you an inside look into playing with them and
preparing their music.
2) I
wrote and arranged all the music for my recital and will talk about the compositional
process, the coordination of musicians, and the scheduling of rehearsals.
3) Despite
my recital being part of my degree requirement, I didn’t treat this like any
other recital. I’ll detail the process of booking the venue, and what went into
promotion (from posters to radio spots and more). I’ll talk about the live
recording aspect of the performance along with the commissioning of art work
that I had displayed while the event happened.
4) I
started an album a day listening challenge. The goal has been to listen to an
entire album each day of the year, with the fall back of doing at least 20
albums per month (because again, life gets crazy and this is not always
possible). I’ll talk about time management, how and where I listen the
most, and, obviously, I’ll discuss what I’m listening to and why you should to.
5) Lastly,
I will be starting an interview series. I’ve had the chance to sit down with
many of my professors who are still very active performers outside of academia
and I talked to them about what they are contributing to the modern music scene
and how they carved out their own path in such a competitive field.
Until next time,
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